Two sessions of Soul Line Dancing will be offered at the Recreation and Wellness Center 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The first session will take place on Wednesdays Sept. 5- Oct. 10 with registration due Aug. 29.
The second will be held Wednesdays Oct. 24- Dec. 5 with registration due Oct. 17.
Participants will learn the popular flash mob-style dance routines and choreography found at weddings and parties in this six-week class offering taught by OASIS staff member Kevin Reese.
Dances include the Electric Slide, the Cupid Shuffle, the Wobble, the Love Slide, Shake Ya Tailfeather, the Whitney Houston Slide and more.
The group element of these dances makes them a hit for large parties like weddings or other larger get-togethers.
Designed with beginners in mind, participants of all skill levels and ages are encouraged to enroll, meaning no one is left out of the fun.
The class is also a great opportunity to deliver on those new year’s resolutions to be more active, while learning some truly unique dance moves.
The classes are open to anyone.
Fees include all six weekly classes and are $15 for University of Nebraska students or Campus Recreation members and $20 for General Public.
Participants can register in person at the Member Services Desk at the Campus Rec Member, Rec and Wellness Center or Outdoor Adventures Center, or by visiting the website.
For more information or questions about the class, contact Liza Thalken at liza.thalken@unl.edu.