A management class in the College of Business Administration is accepting applications from local nonprofit organizations focused on impacting the lives of children. The organizations could receive as much as $10,000 in funding from the Learning by Giving Foundation.
This semester, the senior-level class, Leading People and Projects (Management 411), will provide a funding opportunity for organizations to make a positive difference in Lincoln as students gather knowledge of philanthropy through working with nonprofit organizations. Meanwhile, the class will learn how to initiate a funding process, create a grant application, evaluate applications and make decisions on providing grants for community betterment.
The course, identifying itself as Strive to Thrive Lincoln, is supported by funding from the Learning by Giving Foundation. Nebraska is one of 43 partner schools teaching philanthropy classes nationwide. At each institution, students have the opportunity to distribute Learning by Giving Foundation funds to local nonprofit organizations to address those communities’ greatest needs.
Funded by a $5 million gift from Doris Buffett, the foundation is now providing, “a platform for students to become thoughtful and effective givers by making real dollar grants to nonprofit organizations in their local communities,” according to board member Howard W. Buffett.
Local nonprofit organizations can apply by Oct. 7 for awards of at least $2,000, up to $10,000. Organizations must have 501(c)(3) status and propose a project consistent with the organization’s mission and the mission of Strive to Thrive Lincoln. Applicants must provide their Form 990 and IRS letter, give a brief description of their organization and its relevant achievements, and outline the proposed project along with how it aligns with their organization’s mission and goals.