The definition of democracy is firm, but what it means to Americans shifts with each generation. An Oct. 24 gathering at Nebraska will focus on what college students think the future of democracy looks like.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Political Science, the Center for Civic Engagement and ASUN are hosting the event “What is the Future of Democracy?” at 3:30 p.m. in The Crib at the Nebraska Union.
The event will include a talk by Nebraska 1st District Representative Jeff Fortenberry and several five-minute talks by selected students. The event is free and open to the public.
Patrice McMahon, associate professor of political science, said the discussion will be similar to a town-hall meeting in which students participate in a question-and-answer forum with Fortenberry following his talk. There will also be a discussion about democracy, led by student speakers.
“This will be a positive event with the goal of opening up discussion among our students about what being a member of a democracy means at all levels: in your campus, your community and your country,” McMahon said.
Students who would like to be selected to speak are asked to share their thoughts about the future of democracy in a two- to three-minute video, which can be submitted here. Videos are due by 5 p.m. Oct. 21.