The Office of Research and Economic Development is conducting an internal competition to select applicants for the National Science Foundation’s 2017 EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track Four.
Faculty should notify the Office of Research and Economic Development of intent to submit a pre-proposal for the internal competition by 5 p.m. Nov. 14. The university can submit three proposals to NSF by the Feb. 28 deadline.
The mission of NSF’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research is to increase research, education and training capacity and competitiveness in EPSCoR states.
The Track-Four program funds a two-year fellowship period for non-tenured faculty to initiate or continue collaborative partnerships and/or use unique equipment through extended visits to a private, academic or governmental research facility in the United States. The aim is for fellows to build strong research collaborations that serve as a foundation for their career and enhance the research and development capacity and competitiveness of their home institutions and EPSCoR jurisdictions.
Read more about the limited submissions funding programs, complete the Notification of Intent to submit form and see the full Track-4 solicitation online. For more information, contact Nathan Meier, assistant vice chancellor for research, at 402-472-3902.