August 16, 2017

Summer construction: New buildings and updates

Video: Summer 2017 construction

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln opens the fall 2017 semester with four new buildings — including two academic buildings, a residence hall and dining center.

Summer construction also continued on the University Health Center and thermal energy storage tank, while also bringing traffic pattern changes to 16th, 17th and Vine Streets through City Campus.

Howard L. Hawks Hall

Howard L. Hawks Hall is the new home to Nebraska’s College of Business. The 240,000-square foot building at 14th and Vine streets provides a place for innovative business-related teaching and high-level research. The facility features experiential learning spaces and high-tech classrooms to increase opportunities for students, faculty, staff and alumni. Learn more about Howard L. Hawks Hall.

Willa Cather Dining Complex

The three-story complex at 530 N. 17th St. replaces the Cather-Pound-Neihardt Dining Center. The dining center offers seating for 500 and two private dining rooms by reservation. The Cather Dining Complex serves students living in Eastside Suites, University Suites, Knoll Residential Center and Neihardt Hall. It is also home to University Housing offices. An open house for faculty and staff is 3 to 4:30 p.m. Sept. 6. Learn more about the Willa Cather Dining Complex.

Martin Massengale Residential Center

Offering 370 beds in a mix of traditional and apartment-style units, the Martin Massengale Residential Center is located just north of C.Y. Thompson Library and east of the East Union. The new space replaces the 300-bed, 1950s-era Burr and Fedde residence halls. The center is named after Martin Massengale, president and chancellor emeritus and founding director of the Center for Grassland Studies and Foundation Distinguished Professor. Learn more about the Martin Massengale Residential Center.

Roadway renovations

A summer construction project permanently shifted City Campus traffic patterns and expanded bike commute options on stretches of 16th, 17th and Vine streets. The work transitioned 16th Street (between Q and X streets) from three lanes of one-way southbound traffic to two-way traffic, with one-lane southbound and another northbound; reduced 17th Street to a single lane of northbound traffic between R and Vine streets; and replaced multiple traffic signals in the area with stop signs. Learn more about the project.

Veterinary Diagnostic Center

The 65,000-square-foot facility replaces an outdated building on East Campus. The new diagnostic center includes diagnostic and research labs, animal labs, offices and support facilities. The center develops cutting-edge testing methods and supports food safety and biomedical research. Researchers work directly with public health officials locally and nationally to diagnose animal diseases. Learn more about the Veterinary Diagnostic Center.

Thermal Energy Storage Tank

The university is building an 8.1 million gallon thermal energy storage tank. The tank, which goes online in spring 2018, will work like a battery, holding chilled water in reserve to cool university buildings during peak demand periods. Energy cost savings for the $11.9 million City Campus tank are estimated to be between $850,000 and $900,000 annually. A smaller, 2.8-million-gallon tank in use since 2012 on East Campus has recorded yearly energy cost savings of approximately $350,000. Learn more about the thermal energy storage tank.

University Health Center

Construction of Nebraska’s new University Health Center continues. The 107,000-square-foot building, located on the east edge of City Campus along Antelope Valley Parkway, will be home to the University Health Center and the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s College of Nursing (Lincoln division). The new health center also will provide medical, dental and physical therapy clinic areas designed to current standards of care, with infrastructure to house contemporary health-care technology. Learn more about the University Health Center.