October 27, 2017

Theatrix opens season with ‘Nebraska: Nice’

Students featured in “Nebraska: Nice” include (from left) Emilee Munoz, Ricardo Gajardo, Max McCutcheon, Hilda Rey, Luke Morken and Riley Ford. The production continues through Oct. 29.
Ben Hartzell | Theatrix

Ben Hartzell | Theatrix
Students featured in “Nebraska: Nice” include (from left) Emilee Munoz, Ricardo Gajardo, Max McCutcheon, Hilda Rey, Luke Morken and Riley Ford. The production continues through Oct. 29.

Theatrix, the student-run theater company within the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, will open its 2017-2018 season with “Nebraska: Nice.”

The production is written and directed by Hunter Mruz and Lindsey Parodi, senior theatre performance majors.

Performances are 7:30 p.m. Oct. 26-28 and 2 p.m. Oct. 29 at the Temple Building’s Lab Theatre. “Nebraska: Nice” contains mature language and themes that may not be suitable for all audiences.

Tickets may be purchased for $7 online here or at the door one hour prior to performance in the Lab Theatre’s third floor lobby. Tickets at the door are to be purchased with cash only. Seats subject to availability.

“Nebraska: Nice” features performances by university students. Performers are Luke Morken, junior, theatre performance; Riley Ford, junior, speech pathology; Ricardo Gajardo, sophomore, undeclared major; Max McCutcheon, freshman, theatre performance; Hilda Rey, freshman, directing and management; and Emiliee Munoz, freshman, elementary education.

Projection design for the production is by Rebecca Snowden, a freshman film and new media major. Sound design is by Ben Ross, freshman technical theatre major, and Araceli Ramirez, junio technical theatre major. Lights for the production are designed by Alex Anderson, junior technical theatre major. Stage manager is Jillian Hauschil, junior English language arts education major.