February 12, 2016

Theatrix opens spring season with New Artists Festival

Theatrix, the student-run theater company in the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film, will begin its spring season with the New Artists Festival featuring three plays written by student playwrights and an art gallery featuring art students’ work.

Trey Martinez, a junior in theatre performance and directing/management, will direct junior Matt Knight’s short play, “Cat’s Got Your Tongue,” featuring a talking cat with a large personality and a funny, yet confused owner.

Paul Schack, a freshman in theatre performance and directing/management, will direct junior Emily Kuklinski’s short play, “Uprooted,” which goes beyond the typical struggles of being a teenager. The play features a city girl whose life gets turned upside down when she is faced with change.

Zach Kunz, a freshman directing/management major, will direct junior Katie Hoppe’s short play, “The Incident of the Accidental Liking of an Instagram Photo,” a play about the technological world we live in.

Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18, 19 and 20 in the Lab Theatre on the third floor of the Temple Building, 12th and R streets. Tickets are $6 and are available in advance here or one hour prior to performances in the third floor lobby (cash sales only and subject to availability).

The actors involved are Katie Hoppe, Brittany Goodro-Sincebaugh, Katie Vondrak, Aaron Gilbert, Aaron Boyle, Tatianna Hizar and Chelsea Harris. The production is designed by Stephanie Kahler and Mattie McIntosh. Jorden Charley-Whatley is the stage manager. The newly named Theatrix Management Team includes artistic director Amy Almond and co-managing directors Becca Hess and Madison Nichols.