Local nonprofit organizations have until Oct. 16 to submit proposed projects for funding through a University of Nebraska-Lincoln management class that teaches philanthropy.
Using a $10,000 grant from the Learning by Giving Foundation, students in the class will choose proposals for “Strive to Thrive Lincoln” awards ranging from $2,000 to $10,000. The awards will be made by the end of the fall semester.
Founded by Doris Buffett, older sister of Omaha billionaire Warren Buffett, the Learning by Giving Foundation partners with 35 schools to offer accredited philanthropy classes where students decide how to make charitable gifts.
Students in “Leading People and Projects,” a senior level and graduate class offered by the UNL College of Business Administration, learn how to initiate a funding process, create requests for proposals, evaluate applications and make decisions on providing grants for community betterment.
To be eligible for the grants, nonprofit organizations must have federal 501(c)(3) status as a tax-exempt charitable organization. Project proposals must fit the missions of the nonprofit organization and of the Strive To Thrive Lincoln charity. Applicants must outline what makes their organization unique, the expected reach of their project and their ability to successfully execute the project.
Applications are available at http://cba.unl.edu/strivetothrive.
For more information about the Learning by Giving Foundation, visit http://www.learningbygivingfoundation.org.