The University of Nebraska–Lincoln will continue to offer (with minor changes) free, saliva-based COVID-19 testing for all students, faculty and staff during the fall 2022 semester.
All testing is voluntary and available to any member of the campus community who is symptomatic or may have been exposed to the virus. At this time, there will be no required re-entry testing for the fall semester.
Complete details on the university’s ongoing response to the pandemic are available at covid19.unl.edu.
No need for the Safer Community app
Starting Aug. 7, the university will no longer use the Safer Community app to manage testing results. All results will be available via the university’s online COVID-19 testing portal — which was previously used by Huskers who did not have a smartphone or who opted not to use the Safer Community app.
All test results are encrypted and only accessible via individual username/password combinations and DUO Two Factor authentication.
The portal allows users to access current and previous test results, update address/personal information associated with test results, and share vaccination status.
This change allows all Huskers to remove the Safer Community app from smartphones.
No appointments; NCard needed
The university will continue to offer walk-up testing with no appointments necessary.
Testing will be available on campus Sunday through Friday. Collection sites will be outside the Nebraska Unions on City and East campuses. Due to construction, testing on East Campus will not be available until Aug. 22. Consult the COVID-19 website or testing portal for a complete schedule.
Results will be processed and reported the day after a saliva sample is submitted (for example, if you test any time on a Tuesday, results will be available by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday).
An NCard is required to complete the testing process.
Learn more about the university’s testing process, hours and locations.
Notifications via Nebraska app
If desired, students, faculty and staff can receive alerts about test results being available via the Nebraska app.
The Nebraska app — which offers access to a variety of university information (from Canvas and MyRed to campus news, maps and the campus directory) — will not report a positive or negative result of COVID-19 testing. Rather, it will only alert a user that new information, such as an individual result, has been posted within the online COVID-19 Testing portal.
The Nebraska app is available in Apple’s App Store and via Google Play. Learn how to access the Nebraska app.