November 10, 2017

Winter clothing sought for Clinton Elementary students

Coats for Clinton

The School of Natural Resources will be collecting winter gear and clothing through Dec. 6. for its annual Coats for Clinton drive.

The School of Natural Resources is seeking donations for its annual Coats for Clinton drive.

The fundraiser provides coats and other winter wear for youth in Clinton Elementary School. The school is a few blocks west of Nebraska’s East Campus.

Clinton Elementary has 543 students enrolled, with 92 percent qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch program. Also, 41 percent of the students take a backpack of food home each Friday so families can eat through the weekend.

Though the Clinton Elementary care coordinator has enough hats and gloves to provide to students this year, the office still is in need of the following:

  • Boys’ and girls’ coats in sizes 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12
  • Boys’ jeans in sizes 6, 8 and 10
  • Girls’ jeans in sizes 8, 10 and 12
  • Sweatshirts or sweaters in sizes small, medium and large
  • Boys’ undergarments in sizes 4 to 16

Gently used items will be accepted. Also on the need list are toiletries, including laundry detergents, deodorants, shampoos and feminine hygiene products.

Donations can be placed in the designated box located in the first floor lobby of Hardin Hall through Dec. 6.

Monetary donations can be made at the Nebraska Maps and More Store in Hardin Hall. Checks should be made out to the Foundation for Lincoln Public Schools with Clinton Emergency Fund on the ledge line. Gift cards will also be accepted.

The annual collection drive is organized by the School of Natural Resources outreach committee.

For more information, contact Dee Ebbeka at 402-472-7526.