Amber Brannigan and Linda Major received the University Kudos award during the Jan. 24 meeting of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents.
Brannigan is the inventory operations and building keys manager for Business and Finance. She has worked at UNL since January 2011.
Brannigan led an inventory services project that included the creation of a parts catalog for facilities management and planning technicians, delivery of parts to campus work zones, analysis of parts available and ordering that optimized inventory levels. The project led to 99.99 percent accurate inventory tracking.
The success of the project led to Brannigan taking over door key operations on campus. She worked to eliminate unneeded door key system, revamped the organization of the unit, integrated her shop into the construction and renovation functions within facilities management and planning, and coordinated security functions with University Police.
She also is working to enhance UNL’s recycling programs.
Major is the assistant to the vice chancellor for Student Affairs and director of the Center for Civic Engagement. She has worked at UNL since November 1996.
As assistant to the vice chancellor, Major coordinates a comprehensive approach addressing high-risk behaviors on campus and in the community. As director of the Center for Civic Engagement, she is responsible for developing leadership and service-learning initiatives.
Major also helped establish UNL’s certificate in civic engagement.
She served as provost director for NU Directions, implementing a comprehensive strategic plan to reduce high-risk drinking among college students.
Major is also interim assistant director for Nebraska Campus Compact, a coalition of 12 universities and colleges in Nebraska dedicated to promoting civic engagement. And, she helped create UNL’s Character Campaign, a program dedicated to recognizing students who “do good.”
The Kudos Award is a university-wide honor presented by the regents to celebrate staff who go above and beyond in their work for the university. For more information, go to http://go.unl.edu/ukp.