September 10, 2015

Clinton presents 'Three Musical Postcards from Vienna' Sept. 17

Mark Clinton, a UNL Glenn Korff School of Music Hixson-Lied professor of piano, will present “Three Musical Postcards from Vienna” during his faculty recital at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17 in Kimball Recital Hall.

“The recital represents three very distinct musical “snapshots” from Vienna (Schubert in 1823, Brahms in 1861, and Schoenberg in 1909),” Clinton said. “Each of the three works holds an important place in the canon that we call the standard piano repertoire.”

The “Schubert Sonata” in A minor is a profound and tragic work that is seen as a harbinger of the composer’s later period works. The “Brahms Handel Variations” simply are considered one of the most monumental variation sets ever written. The “Schoenberg Opus 11 Piano Pieces” are the first freely atonal piano works written by the composer, with the third piece of the set being perhaps the first expressionist piano piece.

The performance is free and open to the public. It will also be live webcast at