February 26, 2015

Core research facilities luncheon is Feb. 26

Philip Hockberger

Philip Hockberger

The importance of core research facilities and how to effectively manage them is the topic of a Feb. 26 luncheon seminar presented by Philip Hockberger, executive director of research facilities at Northwestern University. The seminar is at noon in the Nebraska Union Regency Suite.

UNL faculty and staff who use or administer core facilities, or serve on their advisory committees, are encouraged to attend this event, which is hosted by the Office of Research and Economic Development. Registration will be available at the door.

Hockberger is responsible for developing, maintaining and advancing Northwestern’s state-of-the-art facilities that are essential to its research mission. He will discuss what he has learned overseeing core facilities and provide tips on instrumentation and technical support.

Hockberger holds degrees in chemistry, biological sciences and neuroscience, and gives lectures across the country on issues related to shared equipment and facilities and related partnerships.