January 23, 2014

Faculty rate information technology usage, satisfaction

More than 84 percent of UNL faculty reported they use a computer or mobile device to teach in the classroom, according to a December survey conducted by Academic Affairs and Information Technology Services. The survey was distributed to faculty via department chairs.

The Faculty IT survey was designed to provide a baseline to measure faculty technology use and customer satisfaction levels.

“Technology plays an increasing role in the university’s teaching mission and in enhancing student learning,” said Lance Perez, associate vice chancellor for academic affairs. “The survey is one tool we use to understand the technology needs of faculty and students.”

Mark Askren, UNL’s chief information officer, said the survey offers a snapshot of campus technology uses and needs.

“Information Technology Services has a keen interest in knowing how well technology is meeting the needs of our faculty,” Askren said. “This survey shows us what is working well and where there is room for improvement.”

Other results from the faculty survey include:

  • 60.5 percent of faculty who responded are “satisfied or very satisfied” with Office 365 email

  • 66 percent are “satisfied or very satisfied” with network connectivity on campus

  • 73 percent are “satisfied or very satisfied” with end user support for computers and devices

  • 45% are “satisfied or very satisfied” with Blackboard

Currently, ITS is piloting new technologies in the classroom that are based on collaborations with faculty members. Those pilot programs include Apple TV Bonjour and Echo360.

Apple TV Bonjour is a networking environment designed to share content across multiple devices and displays. Echo360 is an easy -to-use lecture capture program designed to record instructor classroom lectures for playback on any device. Both are being used in selected general purpose classrooms.

An executive summary of the 2013 Faculty IT Survey is available at http://go.unl.edu/facultyitsurvey.