The University of Nebraska Foundation has launched “Together as One,” a faculty and staff giving campaign to benefit NU students.
The campaign, which runs through April 8, coincides with the NU Foundation’s two-year “Our Students, Our Future” fundraising initiative. Both are designed to benefit NU students.
“Many of you already make financial contributions to the university. Thank you,” Chancellor Harvey Perlman said in a March 28 email to UNL faculty and staff. “It shows that you believe in higher education and what we do here.
“If you’re not currently contributing, please take this opportunity to think about making an outright gift or setting up a payroll deduction to benefit the students. It will mean so much for them as they work to get through school.”
Information packets about the “Together as One” campaign will be delivered to faculty and staff. Additional information is available online.
All gifts to the campaign will remain confidential.