Daniel Sumner, Frank H. Buck, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Economics at University of California, Davis, will present this year’s Filley-Garey lecture at 3 p.m. April 22 in the East Union Cottonwood Room.
Sumner is a fellow of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association and has received numerous professional awards. He was the assistant secretary for economics at the United States Department of Agriculture and senior economist at the Council of Economic Advisors of the President.
The lecture is free and open to the public. A reception will follow.
For more information, contact Jane Witte at 402-472-1913 or janewitte@unl.edu.
The Filley-Garey Lecture is an annual event, funded by the family of H. Clyde Filley and Bud Garey.
The lecture can be viewed online at https://agecon.unl.edu/seminar.