The Employee Assistance Program is offering a presentation on creating a Five Wishes document, noon to 1:30 p.m. May 1 in the Nebraska Union.
Created by the nonprofit organization Aging with Dignity, Five Wishes is a national program that allows individuals to craft legal documents that spell out end-of-life choices. A Five Wishes document helps families discuss and outline treatment plans before serious illness strikes.
The forms are easy to complete and, when properly signed, are valid under the laws of most states.
The five wishes are: - Identifying a person to make care decisions;
Selecting the type of medical treatment wanted or unwanted;
Deciding comfort care;
Outlining individuals want to be treated by others; and
Listing what loved ones need to know.
For more information, or to register for the Five Wishes presentation, call EAP at 402-472-3107. The program is sponsored by UNL Human Resources.