April 13, 2014

Forum planned for non-tenure track faculty

The UNL Faculty Senate and the Academic Planning Committee are hosting a forum specifically for non-tenure track faculty members with .5 FTE or greater, 2:30 to 5 p.m. April 18 in the Love Library auditorium.

The forum is designed to provide information from the administration about policies which affect non-tenure track faculty salary raises, promotions, and re-appointments and information relating to academic freedom issues, the rights and responsibilities related to being a member of the faculty, the ability to serve on campus committees, and a perspective on voting rights in a department.

Guest speakers will include: Lance Pérez, associate vice chancellor for academic affairs; John Bender, professor of journalism and chair of the Academic Rights and Responsibilities Committee; Evelyn Jacobson, professor and chair of modern languages and literatures; Laurie Thomas Lee, professor of broadcasting; David Moshman, professor of educational psychology; and Julia Schleck, associate professor of English.

Lee and Moshman are previous winners of the James A. Lake Academic Freedom Award and members of the Academic Freedom Coalition of Nebraska. Schleck is a member of the American Association of University professors.

The forum is free.