April 9, 2016

Health center, Huskertech host student health competition

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Health Center and the Huskertech Computer Store are teaming up to create a big health event that will take place during the month of April. The goal of this project is to encourage students to use apps to track sleep, dieting and physical activity.

Students who register will participate in weekly contests to see who can rack up the most steps during that week. The participants will have the option of competing alone or in a group of two.

After the completion of each week, the duo that has the most steps will be recorded. After the month is over, the weekly champion’s step records will be compared and whoever has the most steps out of that pool will win a gift pack.

The registration deadline is April 10, but participants can join anytime during the competition. However, late registrants will have less time to rack up steps.

For more information on health apps, click here.