The gates to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Memorial Stadium are opening briefly to Pokémon Go players.
Husker athletic department officials will open Gate 11 at Memorial Stadium from 4 to 6 p.m. July 14 to accommodate players of the new Pokémon Go app. The special event comes after a number of people have recently snuck into the stadium or attempted to climb its fences to get inside and play the augmented reality game.
Launched July 6, the Pokémon Go smartphone game allows users to hurl digital Poké balls and capture wild creatures in a real world setting.
The game is designed to encourage physical activity as players must venture to specific sites to track down the digital creatures. That venturing has caused trespassing issues around the world as players have chased the creatures, which include electrifying Pikachus, fire-breathing Charizards and water-spitting Squirtles, onto private property and inappropriate locations.
While other universities have warned people not to play the game on campus, UNL’s response is to allow use of the app, as long as players treat campus with respect.