April 11, 2016

Methodology applications series continues April 15

Leslie Hawley, Betty-Jean Usher-Tate and Sara Gonzalez

The Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics will continue its Methodology Applications Series from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 15 in the Nebraska Union. The series is free, open to the public and no registration is required.

Leslie Hawley, University of Nebraska-Lincoln research assistant professor and UNL doctoral students Betty-Jean Usher-Tate and Sara Gonzalez, will lead the presentation, “Evaluating Measurement Invariance with Cross-Cultural Sensitivity.”

The presentation will provide participants with a better understanding of issues related to cross-cultural measurement. Methodologists will highlight how to approach measurement invariance from a validity perspective. They will also introduce participants to the theory behind building a validity argument and describe different sources of qualitative and quantitative evidence that can be collected to build an argument. All participants will receive a tutorial of the steps needed to test a scale for equivalence across cultural groups using data from the Program for International Student Assessment.