UNL welcomes 124 new employees hired in August. For more information on the “New Hires” list, contact Troy Fedderson at tfedderson2@unl.edu.
Amine Bahi, Psychology, research assistant professor
Torrey Ball, Athletics, assistant director of fan experience
Simanti Banerjee, Agricultural Economics, assistant professor
Michelle Bassford, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, administrative associate
Bethany Billman, Management, lecturer
Marguerite Boyles, University Press, editorial assistant
John Brunero, Philosophy, professor
Yenne Caballero Caceres, Village Facilities Operations, residence hall custodian II
Scott Cappos, Athletics, assistant track coach
Svetlana Chistopolskaya, Agriculture and Natural Resources Finance and Personnel Office, financial associate
Heather Clemens, Finance, assistant professor of practice
Tammy Craig, Information Technology Services, centrex assistant
Natasha Crawford, Business Administration, academic adviser
Jessica Cronin, Center for Brain Biology and Behavior, administrative coordinator
Bai Cui, Mechanical and Materials Engineering, assistant professor
Michael Dailey, University Police, police officer
Dawn de Groot, Cather-Pound-Neihardt, dining service associate
Ashley DiGregorio, Student Involvement, events coordinator
James Downes, Accountancy, assistant professor
Joan Dreiling, Physics and Astronomy, post-doc research associate
Mary Durham, Biological Sciences, post-doc research associate
Rhonda Dutra Gross, Program in English Second Language, lecturer
Sydney Everhart, Plant Pathology, assistant professor
Isaac Freeman, Athletics, custodian/event setup assistant
Caitlyn Gardner, Marketing, outreach support associate
Larry Gibbs, Sociology, post-doc research associate
Jhinuk Gupta, Food Science and Technology, post-doc research associate
Karen Hansen, Water for Food Institute, proposal development coordinator
Mohammad Rashedul Hasan, Computer Science and Engineering, assistant professor of practice
Afshin Hatami, Engineering, post-doc research associate
Rhonda Hester, Campus Recreation, custodial-housekeeping supervisor
Tina Hoffman, University Health Center, psychologist
Travis James, Chemistry, post-doc research associate
Stacy-Ann January, Special Education and Communication Disorders, post-doc research associate
Dominic Jennings, Custodial Services, custodian II
Jin Yeub Kim, Economics, assistant professor
Michael Kirby, Athletics, assistant head baseball coach
Donna Kunkel, Physics and Astronomy, post-doc research associate
Sandeep Kuttal, Computer Science and Engineering, post-doc research associate
Melissa Languis, University Health Center, budget and fiscal analyst
Adam Larios, Mathematics, assistant professor
Joan Larson, Bureau of Sociological Research, research project associate
Quang Le, Mechanical and Materials Engineering, post-doc research associate
Yuguo Lei, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, assistant professor
Amanda Lewis, University Libraries, monograph cataloging associate
Yunfeng Liu, Center for Plant Science Innovation, post-doc research associate
Catherine Chunda Liyoka, Biological Sciences, post-doc fellow
Cassandra Maher, Center on Children, Families and the Law, staff associate
Sara Jeanne Mann, NUtech Ventures, operations and project manager
Tammi Marsh, Admissions, senior assistant director of marketing
Miriam Martinez, Bureau of Sociological Research, post-doc research associate
Rebecca Mathis, Exploratory and Pre-Professional Advising Center, administrative coordinator
Andrea McClintic, Career Services, associate director external relations
Larry McElravy, Ag Leadership, Education and Communication, assistant professor
Rupal Mehta, Political Science, assistant professor
Jennifer Meints, University Health Center, physical therapy assistant
Kelsey Melcher, Scholarships and Financial Aid, financial aid specialist
Bruce Mellberg, Natural Resources, program coordinator
Jeremy Merrill, Landscape Architecture, lecturer
Kayla Meskimen, University Child Care, assistant teacher
Melissa Meyer, Business Administration, executive support associate
Bailey Michaels, Technical Agriculture, assistant admissions recruitment coordinator
Ramona Miller, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, office associate
Amin Mohebbi, Civil Engineering, post-doc research associate
Kristi Montooth, Biological Sciences, associate professor
Gota Morota, Animal Science, assistant professor
Rebekah Murfield, University Libraries, monograph cataloging associate
Rachel Murray, Services for Students with Disabilities, disability specialist
Sarah Murray, Classics and Religious Studies, assistant professor
Sonia Neale, Campus Recreation, wellness services and nutrition educator coordinator
Matthew Nelson, Custodial Services, custodian II
Maital Neta, Psychology, assistant professor
Jyotiprakash Padhi, Biological Systems Engineering, post-doc research associate
Kendal Paget, Business Administration, career coach
Matthew Patton, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, post-doc research associate
Avery Paulson, Biological Sciences, teaching lab manager
Erika Pfaunmiller, Chemistry, post-doc research associate
Charles Pickering, Art and Art History, assistant professor
Sarah Polacek, Northeast Research and Extension Center, Extension assistant 4-H
Swapna Purandare, Biological Sciences, post-doc research associate
Emma Purfeerst, Biological Sciences, research technologist L1
Fedor Ratnikov, Physics and Astronomy, senior research associate
Heather Richards-Rissetto, Anthropology, assistant professor
Brook Roach, Cather-Pound-Neihardt, residence hall custodian II
Tracy Roe, University Television, business development director
Ashley Rose, Athletics, head rifle coach
Jacob Royal, Athletics, assistant turf manager
Erica Ryherd, Architectural Engineering, assistant professor
Sheri Sallee, Advertising, assistant professor of practice
Lawrence Scharmann, Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education, chairperson
Erica Schauer, Modern Languages and Literatures, lecturer
Brent Schmoker, Admissions, recruitment assistant
Ester Sheinberg, Music, associate professor of practice
Lori Sipes, Custodial Services, custodian II
Arpi Siyahian, NUtech Ventures, licensing manager
Bryan Slone, Accountancy, lecturer
Steven Speicher, University Television, production associate
Patricia Spitzer, University Health Center, advanced nurse practitioner
Jesse Starita, Water for Food Institute, education outreach associate
Vincent Stoerger, Agricultural Research Division, plant phenotyping facilities manger
Timothy Susse, Mathematics, post-doc research associate
Colby Tanner, Biological Sciences, post-doc research associate
Hannah Tarver, Knoll Facilities Operations, residence hall custodian II
Zachary Thompson, University Museum, supervisor
Curtis Tomasevicz, Electrical Engineering, lecturer
Robert Trempe, Architecture, lecturer
Sean Trundle, History, assistant professor of practice
Peter Underwood, Athletics, assistant coach-women’s soccer
Andrew Uzzell, Mathematics, post-doc research associate
Thanh Quang Vu, Mathematics, post-doc research associate
Robert Walters, Biological Systems Engineering, industrial liaison officer
Jing Wang, Finance, assistant professor
Karmen Weber, University Police, community service officer
Haotong Wei, Mechanical and Materials Engineering, post-doc research associate
Callie Wilhite, University Child Care, director
Matthew Wilkins, Biological Sciences, post-doc research associate
Alexis Winnicki, University Libraries, monograph cataloging associate
Asregedew Woldesenbet, Architectural Engineering and Construction, assistant professor
Amber Wolff, Law, director of marketing and digital strategy
Kelvin Wolzen, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, agriculture research technician I
Weijie Xu, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, post-doc research associate
Xiaolu Yin, Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience, post-doc research associate
Steven Zaegel, Building Systems Maintenance, control systems technician
Jinying Zhu, Civil Engineering, assistant professor