The Big Ideas Seed Grants Program — unveiled at the 2014 Interdisciplinary Faculty Retreat — aims to support new interdisciplinary research teams and help existing teams compete more successfully for large, collaborative grants.
“We’re building on the momentum generated at the retreat to foster highly competitive interdisciplinary teams that successfully pursue big ideas and big money for big research,” said Prem Paul, vice chancellor for research and economic development. “We think investing in our faculty’s collaborative ideas will pay dividends for UNL and help us achieve our research goals.”
The Office of Research and Economic Development will fund up to $500,000 in Big Idea Seed Grants during Fiscal Year 2014-2015 to support interdisciplinary groups with preliminary or well-developed plans to pursue significant external research grants and contracts.
Faculty teams can apply for two types of funding: planning grants of up to $10,000 for one year and accelerator grants of up to $100,000 over two years. Tenured, tenure-track and research faculty are eligible to be principal investigators on these grants. Proposals should align with one or more of the three retreat themes.
Notices of intent to submit applications for this new internal competition are due by July 18; concept papers are due by Aug. 15. Selected teams will be invited to submit full applications by Nov. 7. The competition will be managed by the Office of Research and Economic Development with technical leadership from the Research Advisory Board.
Full details are available in the Big Ideas Seed Grants RFA.