May 5, 2014

O'Hanlon honored for continued leadership

James O'Hanlon
Greg Nathan | University Communications

Greg Nathan | University Communications
James O'Hanlon

The leadership of Jim O’Hanlon, interim dean for the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, was honored during UNL’s promotion and tenure celebration on April 29.

O’Hanlon was presented with UNL’s first James P. O’Hanlon Academic Leadership Award by Ellen Weissinger, senior vice chancellor for academic affairs, and Ronnie Green, vice chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The presentation was met by a long, standing ovation from faculty and staff attending.

O’Hanlon is a professor in the College of Education and Human Sciences. He has had many roles at UNL as an administrator and faculty member. He also led the university’s re-accreditation report development.

He previously served as dean of Teachers College, associate vice chancellor for Extended Education, interim director of the Nebraska Alumni Association, interim director of the Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction and interim dean for the College of Engineering and the College of Architecture.

Weissinger expressed sincere appreciation from the hundreds of faculty and staff and thousands of students and families whose lives have been enriched by O’Hanlon’s leadership throughout the years.

Starting in 2015, UNL will present the James P. O’Hanlon Academic Leadership Award annually to recognize an academic leader whose administrative effectiveness is based on character and integrity and whose actions reflect a genuine respect for the diversity of people and perspectives that form a great university. O’Hanlon has agreed to serve as a permanent member of the committee that will select each year’s award recipient.