The UNL Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education, and the NebraskaSCIENCE Program of Excellence will offer the 2015 STEM Education Research Retreat on Oct. 19th in Avery Hall.
The retreat is designed for faculty, staff, postdoctoral research assistants and students (graduate and undergraduate) who conduct science, technology, engineering and math research at UNL. The goals of this retreat are to:
provide an avenue for the STEM Education Research community to learn about one another’s projects;
provide opportunities to develop research collaborations between STEM Education Research faculty and their students; and
provide opportunities to connect STEM education researchers with local research support groups/organizations.
It will include opportunities to: present on research projects during a poster gallery walk; learn about research supports available at UNL; and develop individual research networks.
The deadline to register for the retreat or to present a poster is Oct. 2. For more information, or to register, click here or contact Marilyne Stains at mstains2@unl.edu.