October 3, 2014

Screening provides mental wellness checkup Oct. 9

National Depression Screening Day

A free anonymous screening for common emotional conditions will be provided by Counseling and Psychological Services in accordance with National Depression Screening Day Oct. 9. The event will be from 10 to 4 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, noon to 4 p.m. in the Gaughan Multicultural Center and 6 to 8 p.m. in the Campus Rec.

At the screening, a person can complete a self-assessment and talk with a counselor about his or her personal situation.

If a person doesn’t have a mood or anxiety disorder, and are just going through a couple of bad days, they are also invited to come take advantage of the program and learn about the services CAPS offers.

If someone is unable to attend the screenings, they can access free on-line screenings in the areas of depression, alcohol use and eating disorders at http://health.unl.edu/caps.

Once the screening is completed, an appointment can be scheduled with a University Health Center professional to review the results and develop a treatment plan.