The Office of Academic Affairs has begun the search for director of the Nebraska Public Policy Center.
Established in 1998, the Public Policy Center is a university-wide, multidisciplinary research and outreach policy unit of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln committed to connecting local, state and federal policymakers to expertise at the university and beyond.
Alan Tomkins, who is stepping down as the center’s director to join the National Science Foundation, has been on leave since 2014. Nancy Shank is the center’s acting director.
Interim Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Ronnie Green appointed the committee, which is led by Associate Vice Chancellor Lance Pérez.
In addition to Pérez, members are Barbara Bartle, president, Lincoln Community Foundation; Brian Bornstein, Public Policy Center fellow and professor, psychology; Lia Bovaird, managerial accountant; Denise Bulling, senior research director; Mark DeKraai, senior research director; Brian Dunnigan, team leader, Olsson Associates; Christine Reed, professor, School of Public Administration at UNO; Nancy Shank, acting director and associate director.
The director reports to the senior vice chancellor for academic affairs and is the chief administrative officer of the center. The director is the leader in creating the strategic vision, developing and strengthening relationships both internal and external to the university, pursuing collaborative opportunities, marketing the center’s services and securing funds to support the organization’s mission of promoting excellence in policy by providing state of the art research and consulting services to governments and communities, especially in Nebraska.
The search is limited to UNL employees only. The deadline for applications is April 17.
For more information, contact Pérez at 472-3751 or see requisition F_160057 at http://employment.unl.edu.