February 10, 2014

Spring into Wellness series continues with Feb. 11-12 talks

UNL’s “Spring Into Wellness” lecture series continues with a presentation about workplace productivity on Feb. 11 and 12.

The event, “Spring Into… An Active, Productive Work Life,” is in the Nebraska Union on Feb. 11 and in the East Union on Feb. 12. The talk is 12:10 to 12:50 p.m. each day. Room posted at both locations.

The presentation will include tips to help students, faculty and staff defeat fatigue, get blood flowing through the body, wake up the brain and get the body moving. Information on how to get rid of aches and pains related to sitting and stress will also be presented.

The talk is free, but registration is requested. Participants are encouraged to bring a lunch to the presentation.

To register, go to http://go.unl.edu/mjk8 for the Feb. 11 session, or http://go.unl.edu/6udy for the Feb. 12 event.

For more information, contact Kim Barrett at kbarret4@unl.edu.