The UNL Research Fair is April 15-16 in the Nebraska Union. The event will showcase undergraduate and graduate student research and creative accomplishments.
The fair includes opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to display research as electronic posters or in the Graduate Student Research and Creative Activities Poster Session and Competition. The deadline for students to participate in post sessions is March 21.
The graduate student poster session is 3:30 to 5 p.m. April 15 in the Nebraska Union’s Centennial Room and Ballroom. The Office of Research and Economic Development, in conjunction with the Office of Graduate Studies, will award 12 travel grants of $400 to students whose research poster is deemed outstanding by faculty judges.
For more information about the poster competition, including how to register, go to http://research.unl.edu/springresearchfair/spring-2014-research-fair/grad/.
The Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Activities Poster Session is 3:30 to 5 p.m. April 16, also in the Nebraska Union’s Centennial Room and Ballroom.
For more information about the undergraduate poster session, or to register, go to http://research.unl.edu/springresearchfair/spring-2014-research-fair/und….
Prior to the undergraduate poster session is the 2:30 p.m. April 16 Nebraska Lecture. The talk, led by Stephen Behrendt, professor of English, in the Nebraska Union auditorium, is titled “So What Good Are the Humanities Anyway?”
A workshop for undergraduates interested in attending graduate school will follow the April 16 poster session. The workshop, “Planning and Preparing for Graduate School,” is 5:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Regency Suite.
Registration for the workshop, available online, is due by April 9.
For more information about the UNL Research Fair, go to http://research.unl.edu/springresearchfair/.