All UNL students planning to graduate in December 2015 must submit an application for graduation via their MyRED academics tab by Sept. 25.
Students will be billed $25 per degree on their student account. Failure to submit a timely application may preclude the awarding of a degree in the intended term.
The application and required fee are good only for the term marked on the application. Neither the application nor the fee is transferrable to another term.
Students who submit an application and pay the fee for a specified term, but do not complete degree requirements in that term, will need to reapply to graduate in a future term and incur another $25 per-degree fee.
Commencement ceremony information and links to required forms will be emailed to each December degree applicant before Thanksgiving.
The graduate college commencement ceremony will be Dec. 18 at Pinnacle Bank Arena.
The undergraduate commencement ceremony will be Dec. 19 at Pinnacle Bank Arena.
Only those students who have applied for graduation, had the application accepted and fulfilled all degree requirements as of the last day of the academic term may participate in the commencement ceremony for that term. Because UNL has a commencement for each term, ceremony participation is allowed only in the term during which the student has properly and timely applied for graduation and fulfilled all degree requirements.