August 12, 2013

Three journalism faculty receive teaching awards

by Marilyn Hahn | Journalism and Mass Communications

Three journalism and mass communications faculty earned four of seven awards in the 2013 edition of Teaching News Terrifically in the 21st Century. The awards were announced during an Aug. 9 business meeting of the Newspaper and Online News Division of the Association of Education for Journalism and Mass Communication.

Sue Burzynski Bullard won the full-time faculty division with a teaching idea titled, “Short and Tweet.” Carla J. Kimbrough took second place with “ProWatch: Critically Thinking about Reporters’ Work.” Michelle Carr Hassler tied for third place with the article “The Amazing Twitter List Race.”

Bullard received honorable mention for a second submission, “Editors as Curators: Using New Tools to Deliver the News.”

Bullard teaches editing, reporting and multimedia classes. She joined the UNL faculty in 2008. Kimbrough teaches reporting and editing classes and coordinates a career fair every spring and fall. She joined the UNL faculty in 2008. Hassler is a professor of practice and admissions coordinator. She has been teaching at UNL since 1998.

TNT21 was founded in 2009 by the Newspaper and Online News Division of AEJMC to honor instructors for good ideas for teaching three types of foundational courses: newswriting, reporting and editing. To honor a variety of types of instructors who teach these courses, awards are given in three divisions: full-time faculty; adjunct instructors; and graduate students teaching their own course.