October 14, 2014

UNL class seeks proposals to give away $10K

Colleen Jones

A management class at UNL is accepting proposals from local nonprofit organizations to receive as much as $10,000 in funding from the Learning by Giving Foundation.

This semester, the senior-level and graduate class in Leading People and Projects (Management 411/811) will provide a funding opportunity empowering organizations to make a positive difference in the Lincoln community while students gather knowledge of philanthropy through working with nonprofit organizations. Meanwhile, the class, taught by Colleen Jones, will learn how to initiate a funding process, create requests for proposals, evaluate applications and make decisions on providing grants for community betterment.

The philanthropy “Impact Lincoln” is supported by funding from the Learning by Giving Foundation, in which more than 35 partner schools are teaching philanthropy classes with the students distributing $10,000 from the Learning by Giving Foundation to local nonprofit organizations to address those communities’ greatest needs.

The foundation’s slogan is “learn philanthropy, invest in humanity.” Funded by a $5 million gift from board member Howard W. Buffett, the foundation initiated a “social good summit” online in which “big ideas meet new media to create innovative solutions.”

Local nonprofit organizations can apply by Oct. 24 for awards of a minimum of $2,000 or up to $10,000. Organizations must have 501(c)(3) status and nominate a project consistent with the organization’s mission and within the mission of “Project Impact Lincoln.” Within the application, applicants must outline what makes their organization unique, define the projected reach of the organization’s proposed project/program and demonstrate an ability to successfully execute the project if funded.

Applications are available at http://www.projectimpactlincoln.com. The proposal can be submitted at rfp@projectimpactlincoln.com. For more information, contact the class at the same email address.

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