April 3, 2015

UNL hosts visiting scholar, symposium address

Tania Gaspar, senior researcher at Lusiada University of Lisbon in Portugal, will give a symposium address at 1 p.m. April 10 in the Arbor Suites of the East Campus Union.

Titled “Quality of life, self-regulation and competence in young children,” it will highlight her work and research regarding the promotion of health and well being in children and adolescents.

Gaspar is an internationally renowned expert whose work includes more than 50 publications covering issues such as obesity treatment and prevention, reduction of risky sexual behavior and how a child’s quality of life is impacted by sleep and bullying.

“Dr. Gaspar’s visit is very exciting for us,” said associate professor Paul Springer of the Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies. “Her research is right in line with UNL’s growing priority on young children and their families through our research, teaching, outreach and extension. We’re looking forward to hosting her and hearing more about her work.”

During her visit, Gaspar will also conduct collaborative research with UNL faculty members and present to classes, including an undergraduate class in the family science program.

The symposium on April 10 will be open to all faculty, students, staff and community members and is co-sponsored by the College of Education and Human Sciences and the Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies.