December 11, 2014

W.H. Thompson Scholars program seeks tutors

Tutor Positions Open

The William H. Thompson Learning Community is accepting applications for tutors for the spring 2015 semester.

Applicants must be sophomore standing and full-time UNL students, have a cumulative 3.5 grade point average, and received an A in the course they will serve as a tutor. Students who apply must possess strong communication skills, the ability to work independently and as a team member.

Hours are flexible, primarily between 6 and 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. Pay rate is $8 per hour. The W.H. Thompson Tutor Lab is in Harper Hall.

Tutors are being sought for the following courses: accounting 201 and 202; biological sciences 101, 206, 213 and 214; life sciences 120 and 121; chemistry 109, 251 to 254; economics 211, 212 and 215; finance; mathematics 100a to 107, and 208; philosophy 106; physics 141, 142, 211 and 212; psychology; sociology; Spanish; and statistics 218.

For more information, or to apply, contact Amy Fellhoelter at