The Executive Vice Chancellor’s Office has announced its third cohort of Faculty Fellows for Student Success. The twelve fellows are:
Jordan Soliz, professor, communication studies
Dirk Black, assistant professor, accountancy
Ann Marie Pollard, assistant professor of practice, Nebraska Repertory
Santosh Pitla, associate professor, biological systems engineering
Emira Ibrahimpasic, assistant professor of practice, global studies
Brad Goetsch, assistant professor of practice, PGA golf management
Jing Zhang, assistant professor, biochemistry
Cory Forbes, associate professor, science education
Suzanne Kemp, professor of practice, special education and communication disorders
Shannon Rowen, associate professor of practice, hospitality, restaurant, and tourism management
Olha Tytarenko, assistant professor of practice, modern language and literatures, Russian
Anne Streich, associate professor of practice, agronomy and horticulture
“Now more than ever, retention, engaged learning, and degree completion are critical to student success,” said Amy Goodburn, senior associate vice chancellor and dean of undergraduate education. “I am excited to see the continued enthusiasm for this program and our faculty’s dedication to the university’s strategic vision that every person and every interaction matters.”
This academic year, the fellows will meet virtually each month to review research literature on factors that impact student success, study the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s institutional data and discuss university initiatives surrounding student success. The fellows will also interact with directors of academic support and engagement units and former fellows who have facilitated student success initiatives in their departments and colleges.