Due to severe cold temperatures, all in-person, University of Nebraska–Lincoln classes on Feb. 15 and Feb. 16 are canceled. All online and remote courses will proceed as normal. Students should check Canvas for course updates. Personnel are expected to work — either on campus or from home — as normal.
On Feb. 15, campus COVID-19 testing will be offered by appointment only and for symptomatic individuals from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the University Health Center. All other campus options — including the saliva-based testing program and TestNebraska site — are closed Feb. 15. All testing programs are scheduled to be open Feb. 16. The saliva-based testing will be offered indoors on Feb. 16.
Chancellor Ronnie Green’s State of Our University Address will air live on NET as scheduled. Other operations, including student services, sporting events, performances and intercampus transportation may be affected. Parking and Transit Services will not be ticketing in campus parking lots on Feb. 15-16.
Learn more about winter weather closedowns and the university’s response.