Editor’s Note — This is part of a weekly student conversation series highlighted for Women’s History Month on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Medium page. The series features students who are making impacts on campus and hope to maintain that momentum in future careers.
Kelsie Caven is a Clifton Builders management major, with a minor business analytics, from Savage, Minnesota. After co-founding Women+ in Entrepreneurship, Caven is helping aspiring female entrepreneurs grow and build connections in the community.
Talk about co-founding Women+ in Entrepreneurship.
Women+ in Entrepreneurship was created to encourage women and other underserved communities to bring their entrepreneurial endeavors to fruition. Our current executive team — Sara Knips, Lucia Golfis, and I — envision this organization as a way to connect aspiring female entrepreneurs to the Lincoln community. As president, I have learned that you truly can learn something from everyone you cross paths with. It has been proven to me that collaboration and nurturing will be vital to the future of business.
How has being involved in the Clifton Builders Program impacted you and your time at Nebraska?
The Clifton Builders Program has been one of my most stand-out experiences as a student at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. When I applied as a freshman, I wasn’t sure what my path was going to look like. When I was accepted into the program, my professors and mentors saw me in such a way that empowered me and allowed me to grow. I had the opportunity to do a student-led research project for Jim Clifton and his executive team, start a business in six weeks, and consult current businesses in the Lincoln community. I can’t thank Dr. Timothy Hodges, Dr. Samantha Fairclough, and the rest of the Clifton Strengths institute, enough for the positive impact they had on my college experience.
You were a student strengths coach for the Clifton Strengths Institute. Why were you interested in this type of mentorship position and were there any favorite parts of it?
After being personally impacted by the Clifton Strengths Institute, I couldn’t help but want to allow others the same opportunity I had. My favorite part of coaching is building connections with my students apart from their professional life. With well-being being such a dynamic part of life, it is critical that students are supported in every aspect.
Is there anything you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?
From a young age, I have always said that I want to make an income through making a tangible impact. Additionally, I want to own a golden retriever and a boat one day.
What or who inspires you?
People who “live their truth” inspire me. I think it is easy to fear the acceptance of others when in reality, it is usually the most successful people who embrace themselves just as they are.
What is your advice to other students looking to make an impact on campus?
Never underestimate your ability to create change. There are so many amazing faculty on campus to cheer you on and help you in every aspect of your endeavor. At the end of the day, impact is impact. Whether that looks like creating a student-run organization or holding the door for someone, that is up to you. Either way, you are creating a better future for all of us.