February 17, 2017

Installation ceremony for Chancellor Green is April 6

Interactive, entertaining format to encourage audience engagement

Chancellor Ronnie Green will be officially installed as the university's 20th chancellor on April 6.
University Communication

University Communication
Chancellor Ronnie Green will be officially installed as the university's 20th chancellor on April 6.

Faculty, staff, students and the public are invited to join in the official installation of Ronnie D. Green as the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s 20th chancellor at a special April 6 ceremony at the Lied Center for Performing Arts.

The event will begin at 11 a.m. and will celebrate the university’s historical achievements as a global higher education leader, as well as highlight Nebraska’s charge to lead with distinction as an engaged 21st-century flagship, land-grant institution in the coming era.

April 6 is the one-year anniversary of Green’s selection as the university’s top leader.

The chancellor’s installation is a celebratory tradition that officially marks the start of a new chancellorship at Nebraska. Typically held during the chancellor’s first year in office, the event provides an opportunity to welcome a new chapter in the institution’s history and to celebrate as a community.

The installation will involve a processional, faculty garbed in academic regalia and the investiture of the official powers and responsibilities of the office to Green by NU system President Hank Bounds and Regents Chairman Bob Whitehouse. Dignitaries attending will include those from across the university, higher education and across the United States, as well as international partners, private industry and business leaders, and leaders in state and federal government.

Green said the April 6 event also will take on an interactive and entertaining format to encourage audience engagement. Invitations were being sent this week to the university community; to RSVP, click here.

A reception at the Sheldon Museum of Art will immediately follow the ceremony.


Prior to being named chancellor, Green was for six years the Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. In that role, he was also the vice president for agriculture and natural resources of the university system. In 2015, Green also was Nebraska’s senior vice chancellor for academic affairs, the institution’s chief academic officer.

He was raised on a mixed beef, dairy, and cropping farm in southwestern Virginia. He earned bachelor and master’s degrees in animal science from Virginia Tech and Colorado State University, respectively. His doctoral program was completed jointly at Nebraska and the USDA-ARS U.S. Meat Animal Research Center.

Green has been a member of animal-science faculties of Texas Tech University and Colorado State University, and was the national program leader for animal production research for the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and executive secretary of the White House’s interagency working group on animal genomics within the National Science and Technology Council. In that role he was one of the principal leaders in the international bovine, porcine and ovine genome sequencing projects. Prior to returning to Nebraska, Green was senior global director of technical services for Pfizer Animal Health’s animal genomics business. He is widely published in the field of animal breeding and genetics and is considered an international leader in the application of genetics to beef production systems.

He was named a fellow of American Society of Animal Science in 2014 and, in 2015, was tapped as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest general scientific society. He serves on a number of university, corporate and professional boards, including recent appointment to the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities’ board of directors as the chair of APLU’s Commission on Food, Environment, and Renewable Resources.