Chancellor Harvey Perlman has appointed new members to the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of People of Color.
The commission’s general purpose is to enhance the status of people of color at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln by advising the chancellor on issues pertaining to the specific concerns of faculty, staff and students who are people of color at the university.
While individual members are free to engage in public advocacy on any issue, the commission, as a group, best serves its purposes through regular, confidential dialogue with the chancellor.
“I applaud Chancellor Perlman for recognizing the urgent need for the Commission on the Status of People of Color,” said Gwendolyn M. Combs, associate professor in the College of Business Administration and chair of the commission’s faculty council. “Many of the issues and concerns of the broader society often surface in the university community. The commission provides an excellent and necessary opportunity for the chancellor to be informed and advised regarding the challenges and disadvantages experienced by people of color at UNL. The members of the commission are very capable and dedicated to enhancing the diversity and inclusion climate on this campus.”
Faculty members serving on the commission include Rodrigo Cantarero, community and regional planning; Georgia Jones, nutrition and health sciences; Martha McCollough, anthropology and ethnic studies; Sriyani Tidball, advertising; Joy Castro, English and ethnic studies; Combs; Rolando Flores, Food Processing Center; Victoria Smith, history and ethnic studies; and Tsegaye Tadesse, School of Natural Resources.
Staff members serving on the commission include Juan Gutierrez, Office of the University Registrar; Reshell Ray, Student Involvement; Jamie Williams, Husker Athletics; Martha Florence, University Television; John Goldrich, University Health Center; Colette Polite, TRIO; Helen Sexton, political science; and JaMel Ways, chemistry.
Student members serving one-year terms on the commission include Janice Castro, Olivia Loh, Brittney Merritt, Gerardo Saldana, Mecca Slaughter, Jessica Tate, Kei’Yana Thomas and Tyler Wright.