“Stories from the Stage,” the original series from World, showcases extraordinary stories told by ordinary people from all walks of life, and collaborated with Nebraska Public Media and Vision Maker Media on two new episodes airing in November.
The episodes were taped at Nebraska Public Media in April and spotlight Indigenous storytellers for Native American Heritage Month.
The episodes, “On Sacred Ground,” and “Sacred Circle,” will air at 5 and 5:30 p.m. Nov. 19 on Nebraska Public Media.
The episode “On Sacred Ground” features Lincoln and Omaha residents. Award-winning journalist Kevin Abourezk (Rosebud Lakota Nation) details his work to rally his Native community to oppose a massive housing development on tribal land in Lincoln.
Artist Colleen New Holy (Oglala Sioux Tribe of Pine Ridge, South Dakota) details the judgment heaped on traditional healing through stories of her mother, noted activist and educator Reneé Sans Souci, and her work as an educator preserving Native culture.
Valery Killscrow Copeland (Oglala-Lakota Sioux Tribe) of Omaha takes viewers on a hike…that’s interrupted by Bigfoot.
“Sacred Circle” opens with Omaha resident Levelle Wells (Elk Clan of the Omaha Tribe), who is Afro-Indigenous, and follows him as he finds a path to meaning, healing and helping after prison.
Lawrence, Kansas, filmmaker and University of Kansas assistant professor Rebekka Schlichting (Ioway Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska) honors the keeper of the connection between her people and culture.
The episode closes with Los Angeles resident Charlie Perry, who has light skin and hair, as he reflects on trying to be accepted by fellow members of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation of Mayetta, Kansas.
“We are pleased to partner with ‘Stories from the Stage,’ WORLD and Vision Maker Media to create episodes featuring Indigenous storytellers. Nebraska has a rich Native American history and this is another opportunity for our viewers to discover the stories, heritage and culture of Native American tribes,” Mark Leonard, Nebraska Public Media General Manager, said.
“These episodes of ‘Stories from the Stage’ so wonderfully reflect the pride, empowerment, history and contemporary life of our Native communities,” Francene Blythe-Lewis, Vision Maker Media executive director, said. “Working with WORLD and Nebraska Public Media to spotlight these stories has been immensely satisfying.”
Audiences can also view “Stories from the Stage” on public television’s WORLD channel, YouTube, worldchannel.org and the PBS App.
The series can also be experienced via podcast with “Stories from the Stage: The Podcast,” which brings deep dives, interviews and more, with highlights selected by series co-creators and podcast co-hosts Patricia Alvarado Núñez and Liz Cheng.