The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s next Thomas C. Sorensen Policy Seminar series will feature a panel of state senators and political scientists exploring the state’s most recent redistricting process.
The discussion, “Political Map Drawing: Insights and Lessons from Nebraska’s Redistricting Process,” is noon to 1 p.m. Dec. 7 in the Nebraska Union’s Heritage Room. It will also be available via zoom. Advance registration is required.
Panelists will address how every 10 years, lawmakers nationwide undertake the constitutional requirement to redraw district boundaries based on the most recent United States census. The discussion will explore the shortened timeline Nebraska state legislators faced after the release of the 2020 census, lessons learned during the session, and considerations as the state moves forward.
The panel includes senators Wendy DeBoer (District 10) and Matt Williams (District 36), and John R. Hibbing, Foundation Regents Professor of Political Science. The discussion will be moderated by Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, Willa Cather Professor of Political Science.
The event, sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences through the Thomas C. Sorensen Endowment, and the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center, is free and open to the public.