March 1, 2017

Student Voice: What faculty or staff member at Nebraska has positively affected you?

Campus photo

Student Voice is a Nebraska Today feature that poses a question to random students on campus. Nebraska Today’s Hannah Pachunka asked fellow students to reflect on those in the university community who have made an impact in their time at Nebraska.

What faculty or staff member at Nebraska has positively affected you?

Tatianna Hizar
Tatianna Hizar

Ian Borden, associate professor in the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film, helped then freshman Tatianna Hizar understand where a career path could lead. “His way of teaching pushes you really hard,” Hizar said.

Tatianna Hizar, sophomore, theatre performance

Gurkirat Singh
Gurkirat Singh

Seth Lindokken, graduate student, influenced Gurkirat Singh as his math instructor. Singh said Lindokken taught him how to study effectively and helped him improve his grades. Singh is a transfer student. He said Lindokken was helpful during that transition.

Gurkirat Singh, freshman, civil engineering

Gina Saladino
Gina Saladino

Dave Aiken, courtesy professor of natural resources and professor of agricultural economics, was helpful to Gina Saladino. “He cares about students’ success outside of the classroom environment,” Saladino said, recalling a time when he stayed after class to answer questions and talk about her future.

Gina Saladino, junior, advertising/public relations

Brooke Sattler
Brooke Sattler

Nicole Smith, student development coordinator in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, made a positive impact on Brooke Sattler’s time at the university. Sattler said that Smith shows that she cares about the students – not just professionally, but their well being as well. Sattler explains that although Smith is very busy, she makes time for others.

Brooke Sattler, senior, Spanish

Paige Ourada
Paige Ourada

Jill Arth, academic adviser in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, helped Paige Ourada figure out what she wanted to do with her career. “I’ll help you every step of the way,” Arth said to Ourada.

Paige Ourada, junior, advertising/public relations

Constance Fanta
Constance Fanta

Amanda Bergeron-Bauer, academic adviser in the College of Education and Human Sciences, helped Constance Fanta during the difficult process of transferring schools. “If she couldn’t answer my questions, she worked hard to find someone who did know,” Fanta said.

Constance Fanta, sophomore, secondary English language arts education

Brooke Schulzkump
Brooke Schulzkump

Grace Bauer, English professor in the College of Arts and Sciences, made an impact on Brooke Schulzkump. “She really helped me improve in academics, that class and outside of the class,” Schulzkump said.

Brooke Schulzkump, junior, English education

Cornelio Jaimes
Cornelio Jaimes
Max Mueller, assistant professor in the Department of Classics and Religious Studies, inspired Cornelio Jaimes find something he is passionate about. “The way he lectures is very passionate and you can tell that he’s found something that he not only loves to do, but you can tell that he looks forward to it,” Jaimes said.

Cornelio Jaimes, junior, journalism

Keegan Brown
Keegan Brown

Octavio Kano-Galvan, assistant professor of practice in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, had a positive impact on Keegan Brown. “Octavio goes above and beyond to help students learn and grow and truly cares about the success of all of us,” Brown said. Brown said Kano-Galvan provides resources to succeed and shows that he believes in the students.

Keegan Brown, sophomore, advertising/public relations

For more information on “Student Voice” or to submit a question, send email to or call 402-472-8515.