UPC Nebraska, in partnership with the LGBTQA+ Resource Center and Women’s Center, will host a presentation from Kate Bornstein at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16 via Zoom.
Since 1989, trans trailblazer Bornstein has, with humor and spunk, ushered in a world of limitless possibility through a daring re-envisionment of the gender system as we know it. Kate identifies as nonbinary — not a man, not a woman — and has been writing about nonbinary gender identity for nearly 30 years. She looks beyond the gender binary to see gender as both a conscious practice and a playful journey.
Auntie Kate promises to make audiences laugh, cry and gasp out loud as she speaks about the past 30 years of a life identified as queer and trans. Her performance is at once deeply personal and universally acceptable, weaving together stand-up comedy, theatrical monologues and heart-to-heart storytelling to convey the experience of her long, rich nonbinary trans life.
The event, which will take place in a live Zoom session, is primarily for University of Nebraska–Lincoln students. To join, students should follow the Zoom link located on NvolveU. Zoom licensing restrictions will limit event attendance to 300 participants.
For additional information about UPC Nebraska and this event, visit the University Program Council page on NvolveU.