A committee appointed by Interim Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Ronnie Green and led by College of Arts and Sciences Associate Dean and Professor of Physics and Astronomy Aaron Dominguez has begun the search process for a new senior international officer and associate vice chancellor for international engagement and global strategies.
In addition to Dominguez, members of the search committee are: Laurie Bellows, associate dean and professor of practice, graduate studies; Rich Bischoff, chair and professor, child, youth and family studies; Donna Dudney, associate dean and associate professor, finance; Tom Farrell, senior international advisor, chancellor’s office; Rolando Flores, head and professor, food science and technology; Amy Goodburn, associate vice chancellor, academic affairs and interim dean, academic services and enrollment management; Maria Marron, dean and professor, College of Journalism and Mass Communications; Monica Norby, assistant vice chancellor, Office of Research and Economic Development; JK Osiri, director, international business and associate professor of practice, management; Chittaranjan Ray, director, Nebraska Water Center and professor, civil engineering; Maegan Stevens-Liska, director, international engagement; and Charles Wood, director of UNL’s Confucius Institute and professor of biological sciences.
Farrell is the campus’ interim senior international officer, having assumed the role Jan. 4 after David Wilson returned to the faculty. Wilson was senior international officer since the position was created in 2012. Wilson was associate vice chancellor since 2005.
The associate vice chancellor for international engagement and global strategies is the campus’ senior international officer. The role includes responsibility for initiating activities and programs to internationalize the faculty and academic units; building strategic international research partnerships; developing programs and activities including education abroad, internships and service learning for UNL students; and supporting international students and visiting scholars and engaging them in the life of the campus and the community.
The university has enlisted the service of national executive search firm Korn Ferry to assist in identifying candidates. The deadline for applications is March 14. The campus is encouraged to nominate or forward names for consideration to unl-avcintl@kornferry.com.
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